Laser hair removal
hair is beautiful But what to do if they grow mainly in the wrong places?
Have you already tried everything to remove annoying body hair, for example on your legs, under your arms or in the bikini area? Or are you desperately looking for a way to permanently get rid of your mustache or a lot of hair on your back, arms or chest?
If, after painful and mostly unsuccessful experiences with shaving, wax, depilatory creams or needle epilation, you are finally looking for a permanent solution to your hair problem, you should get to know a laser epilation treatment. Unlike conventional depilation methods, laser epilation gets to the root of the annoying hair problem. The laser light destroys the hair roots so that no more hair can grow back afterwards.
With laser epilation, hair can be removed from almost all parts of the body. How many sessions are necessary in individual cases depends on the localization of the areas and the density of the hair. Five to ten sessions are generally required for hair removal on the leg, armpit, arm or bikini area. A goatee or mustache is usually completely removed after four to five treatments.